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Your go-to remedy for navigating motherhood's chaos without losing your shit!

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I couldn't believe how jacked up my nervous system was, there was no interrupting me until I said EVERYTHING I needed to say! 
At the end of the day,
I couldn't wait to open a bottle of wine, turn on Netflix and just get away from everyone.
My emotions were not something I wanted to talk about with anyone. I was ashamed I couldn't control my anger.  It just seemed to be in charge.
Frustrated stressed single african mom having headache feel tired annoyed about noisy acti
7 ways MomRage is hijacking your happiness

​Motherhood is a journey filled with a spectrum of emotions, from joy to rage and everything in between. Embrace these feelings not as definitions of who we are, but as opportunities for insight and growth. Discover how to turn intense emotions into sources of personal strength and vitality with my free resource.


Strained Relationships

Unresolved MomRage can lead to frequent conflicts and strained relationships with family members, including partners and children. This strain can create distance and resentment within the family unit.


Health Consequences

Chronic anger and stress associated with momrage can take a toll on your physical health, contributing to issues such as high blood pressure, weakened immune function, and increased risk of heart disease.


Emotional Distress

Constant feelings of anger and frustration can lead to emotional distress, including symptoms of anxiety and depression. Suppressing these emotions may also result in mood swings and irritability.


Negative Modeling

Children often learn by example, and witnessing unchecked momrage can teach them unhealthy ways of coping with emotions and resolving conflicts. This can perpetuate a cycle of anger and dysfunction within the family.


Decreased Productivity

Momrage can be distracting and draining, making it difficult to focus on tasks and responsibilities. This can lead to decreased productivity at work or in other areas of your life, exacerbating feelings of stress and frustration.


Impaired Decision Making

When you're consumed by momrage, your ability to make clear and rational decisions may be compromised. This can impact various aspects of your life, including parenting choices, career decisions, and financial management.



Feelings of momrage may cause you to withdraw from social activities and isolate yourself from friends and support networks. This isolation can further exacerbate feelings of loneliness and exacerbate the negative effects of momrage.


From Hot Mess to Zen Master

Yes, it's unclear. Yes, it's solvable.


Here's the thing—those visceral responses didn't just appear out of nowhere. They've been gradually building up over the years as you've navigated life's challenges and experiences.


Imagine learning to regulate your emotions before responding to those big feelings.

  • You'll gain the tools to manage your emotions effectively, ensuring you respond with calmness and clarity instead of reacting impulsively.


Picture yourself creating new habits without judgment.

  • You'll develop the ability to sit with your feelings—whether they're of rage, anger, frustration, or overwhelm—and transform them into productive actions.


Envision understanding the root of your emotions and establishing routines that benefit you and your loved ones.

  • You'll discover strategies to navigate challenging experiences, creating harmony in your home and fostering a supportive environment.


Through this journey, you will reconnect with yourself and strengthen the bonds within your family, day by day, building a foundation of love, understanding, and resilience.

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Natalie is so fantastic! She is very easy to talk to and gives such great perspectives. Working with her has allowed me to overcome a lot of tough decisions and situations and has challenged me to create stepping stones toward my goals. I can’t recommend her enough!

-Lauren M.

In a world where motherhood lacks full support, you'll gain invaluable tools day one.

I will show you how to harness self-awareness and use it as a superpower!
With my guidance, you will conquer overwhelming emotions with confidence and clarity. 

Are you ready to embrace change?


Book your free session today!
Experience my coaching style, get answers to all your questions, and
see if we're a match for your goals. 



My mission is to create a sanctuary where women can safely explore their feelings and understand that emotions do not define them; rather, they are powerful tools for insight. Here, we embrace compassion to harness these emotions, transforming moments of intense feelings into sources of personal strength and vitality. Together, we will convert emotional challenges into opportunities for healing, mending internal conflicts, and fortifying family bonds through deeper understanding.

I invite you to join me on this journey of empowerment. If you're ready to take charge of your emotions and shape your destiny, it's time to embrace your role as the architect of your life.


In 2007, Miss Mabel came into our lives, ushering in a period of joy and adventure that spanned the globe. Before Mabel's arrival, I had been an actress, on an adventure of creativity and expression. As the years passed, I felt my art slipping away, leaving me with a profound emptiness I had not acknowledged.

By Mabel's sixth year, I believed I was “trapped” in a corporate job, losing my chance for personal fulfillment. 

I remember whispering to myself, "So this is it? My chance has passed; now it's Mabel's turn." 

Though confiding in my sister brought temporary relief, it often led to resignation rather than resolution. 

Over time, my frustrations and unmet self expectations weighed heavily on my relationship with Mabel, unfairly burdening her innocent spirit. 

Reflecting on this fills me with regret, realizing it was my struggle, not hers. Despite my remorse, I'm committed to self-reflection and personal accountability.  While I can't change the past, I'm determined to clear my own path forward. 

Recognizing the impact of childhood experiences on regulation and identity, I knew I had to confront underlying issues to guide my journey toward self-fulfillment and reconnection with Mabel. 

Amidst despair, my journey of self-rediscovery ultimately led to the creation of Mom

Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself!
- George Bernard Shaw

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© 2021 Natalie Blalock Coaching. All rights reserved

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